Friday 25 July 2008

A good start to the summer!

Hello! Oscar here!

I thought I would start my school holidays this year by enjoying the sun down by the sea. It looks really warm but there was a bit of a breeze, so I kept my Oakwood jumper on!

Can you guess what's in the box? Yep! It's fish and chips - a great seaside supper! (Even with Healthy Schools, I'm allowed to have them occasionally!)

I have to say, the seagulls were very interested in my chips! It's a good job I'm a bear - they were a bit nervous of me and kept their distance...

Thursday 24 July 2008

As soon as you've gone...!

It was only yesterday that all the children broke up for the summer break, but bright and early this morning lots of the teachers were in school getting ready for September!

They noticed that things looked very different in the main corridor of the school, as you can see in the photos...

Already, the builders have ripped up the carpet, have taken tiles off, torn out some of the fittings in the boys' toilets, and have started to dismantle the ICT suite ready for the new ceiling, lights and decoration!

It's very exciting and we can't wait until it's done!

Keep checking back during the summer to see how they are getting along.

Wednesday 23 July 2008

Leaving on a high...!

Year 6 had a fantastic last day at Oakwood Junior School!

They left on a real high - 7 metres up and with a good view of everything happening around them! A great challenge for the last day and a real sense of achievement!

Good luck Year 6! Keep in touch!

(Thanks to the Tile Barn Outdoor Centre for the climbing tower!)

Wednesday 16 July 2008

Going Green...

We're ready to Go Green next year and we've made an excellent start this year!

5LH presented a fantastic assembly this morning...

They told us all about how we could
  • Reduce
  • Reuse
  • Recycle
...and introduced us to two more Eco-friendy "R"s...
  • Return
  • Repair
They also reminded us that when is comes to looking after the planet...

Man is the most dangerous animal on Earth!

(and here are Mr Barrett and Mr Chafe about to go after him!)

One of our parents told us about Generation Green! It's a national project with a website which helps schools think about how Green they are a make a real change!

You can see our Generation Green school profile and learn how 5LH's assembly has already contributed to our "Leaf Collection".


City Catering have got competition from Year 5!

Working with Mrs Larder this term, they have been carefully planting and watering and tending to plants in the school grounds. It was touch and go to see if their harvest would come in time for the end of the school year...

...but last week, it did!

Having harvested their crop, it was straight into the kitchen to turn them into ingredients.

It's a great start and we know that when we get started on Let's Get Cooking next year, we'll be able to use some of our own homegrown produce in what we make!

Well done, everyone!
(and a special thanks to Mrs Larder!)

Monday 14 July 2008

Pupil News - A Special Year 4 Edition

A very special edition of OJS Pupil News is now available!

Year 4 have been designing and making items for the Story Garden - mosiacs, a carved story throne and benches.

You can read all about what they have been up to on the blog, but you can get a copy of OJS Pupil News here:

Friday 11 July 2008

Almost there!

Year 4 are now beginning to see how their garden is coming together!

Wooden Tiger have been working hard today to put our carved benches in place. We think you'll all agree that the Story Throne in particular is a real feature!

We think Wooden Tiger have done a great job, and we all wanted to thank them. Unfortunately Maddie couldn't make it today, but Gez was still happy to receive the flowers!

We even braved the imminent rain to have a group photo!

Now we just need to finish the mosaics! Watch this space!

PS - A blunt chisel is more dangerous than a sharp one, because you need to hit it with more force!

Wednesday 9 July 2008

Toy Day Rehearsals

You may be aware that Year 6 are putting together a production as a farewell to Oakwood Junior School, so we have decided to tell you how it's going.

Our singing is brilliant, most of the actors have learnt their lines and we have got most of the props we need so everything is going quite well. We have got five songs to memorise and we have seven scenes to practise but we think we can pull it off!

By Izzy (with a little help from Melody)

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Oak House Fun!

As we look back on our time in Year 6, one of our fondest memories springs to mind: Oak House. Here are a couple of the photos of the things we did!!

We learnt to skateboard with professionals.

The pizzas look so yummy, we had a great time making them!

By Izzy (with a little help from Melody)

Friday 4 July 2008

Crafty Carvings!

This week, Year 4 have been working really hard to improve the garden area opposite the Year 5 classrooms.

We have been lucky enough to work with a company called Wooden Tiger - Gez, Maddy and Chris - who are very talented wood carvers.

We have all drawn our own personal design to do with the garden. Some of us did flowers, others did leaves, some did squirrels... Each of us then carved our design onto some brand new benches.

Some of our parents helped us, and so did Mrs Larder. We all think they look amazing. Have a look at the slideshow below to see some of us at work and our carved designs.

We have learned lots of new skills, like how to use a chisel and mallet safely. We have also learned new facts. For example, which do you think is more dangerous - a sharp chisel or a blunt one?

Find out in our next instalment!

Written by the children in Year 4.