Thursday 31 March 2011

Road Hogs

We hope to do a little more podcasting in future, so we're starting today with a quick recording of three of our flautists performing a piece of music called Road Hogs.


What does it remind you of?

You can subscribe directly to our podcasts on iTunes by clicking:

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Year 4 Spring Fun!

Poetry performance, Garden growth, Skeleton Drawing, Street dance and curry tasting!

Year 4 - Bollywood Dancing

Four wonderful volunteers from 'The Coriander Lounge' came to teach Year 4 some Indian dance. Our thanks go to Miss Patchett for organising this free event.

Monday 28 March 2011

Gone Google!

Oakwood Junior School is one of only ten organisations worldwide - and the only one in the UK - which have won recognition from Google today for making the most of the Google Apps suite of programs.

We use Google Apps at Oakwood for email, calendaring, document storage, running our own intranet sites for staff and governors... and for running this blog!

We also use it to teach children about online safety, how to share documents with only specific people and how to use email sensibly.

Google provides these facilities free for educational establishments.

We don't get a prize, but we get a mention on the Google Apps blog and a free billboard twenty-four free billboards!

Tell us if you see them!

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Term Dates for 2011-2012

Our term dates for 2011-2012 are now available.

Please look at them carefully if you are planning holidays for next academic year.

Our INSET days are also marked. The final INSET day is 23 July 2012. In 2012, the City Council has decided the last day of term in the summer should be a Monday. Oakwood Infant and Junior Schools have agreed that term will finish at the end of a full week on Friday 20 July 2012 for pupils.

Monday 21 March 2011

Red Nose Day

We raised money for Comic Relief by having a Mad Hair Day.
Thank-you to everyone who donated money!

Friday 18 March 2011

Doing Something Funny

We collected in all of your donations today...

...and we wanted to say...

Thank You!

Friday 11 March 2011

Oakwood's Got More Music...!

We finished off our two days of Oakwood's Got Music with Kev and Rob from the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra...

They played the Trombone and the French Horn and entertained us with lots of tunes. They also taught us a bit of conducting and even let a few people try out the digeridoo.

Their talent even extended as far as a range of other more unorthodox instruments: the hosepipe and funnel, the watering can and the kettle...!

A great end to the week and a big thanks to Mrs Peregrine for organising!

Thursday 10 March 2011

Oakwood's Got Music!

We had a fantastic start to our two days of Oakwood's Got Music this morning when Noah led assembly and got us all into rhythms!

He played drums and xylophones (both at the same time) and showed us how he had made one of his xylophones out of B&Q fencing posts...

As you can see, he also got us singing and drumming!

Thanks, Noah!

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Chris Davies Visits Year 4

Year 4 children spent a fabulous day with Chris Davies and his team: Tony and Andy.

They played lots of exciting games including an 'egg' treasure hunt. This all helped them appreciate the Christian story of Easter and understand the significance of the Paschal candle.

Monday 7 March 2011

Earning Your Sticks!

We had a really excellent assembly performance this morning from the Respect Drummers!

Kath Page came along and led our drummers and some drummers from Oakwood Infant School in three performances.

They showed us a series of rhythms performed to Senwa Dedende, how to do quarter rhythms and then they played rhythms along to Ghostbusters!

Four children were awarded their Sticks which shows that they have worked hard and done their best! Two other children have achieved their next award and will be presented with this at their concert later in the month.

Friday 4 March 2011

Getting down to business in year 5

In year 5 we are buzzing with excitement at starting our new topic - Biscuit Businesses. This half term we be learning how to set up and run our very own business. We will divide into teams, each team member will be responsible for running an area of the business and all the profits we make from selling our delicious biscuits will go to a charity of the team members' choice.

To start thinking like 'Dragons' we spent a day developing a product for a new sweet company. We had to make sure the product looked luxurious, the three sweets did not touch each other and that the packages were sturdy enough to survive being sent in the post! First we made a prototype of a package to keep something special in, then we refined our ideas to suit the task and thought about the materials we would need. After that, we constructed our designs.

We are all hoping the packages survive their journey in the post back to school!