Wednesday 28 February 2018

Year R: Question of Faith

Today Year R had some visitors from Southampton City Mission. They came in to teach us a bit more about Christian beliefs and about some bible stories, such as the creation story and the miracles Jesus performed. They gave us some fun activities to do to match these stories and we even got to see some magic.

Thank you Duncan and Richard for paying us a visit, we thoroughly enjoyed it.

Friday 23 February 2018

School Football Team - Match Night 4

The School Football Team played two games last night as part of their Match Night 4: one against Tanners Brook and one against Foundry Lane.

The team haven't had a game since November, and it took a little while for them to find their rhythm in the first game where they trailed 0-1 at half time. In the second half, the team really found their stride and dominated. Eventually their domination paid off and Oakwood striker, Sonny, scored two brilliantly taken goals - handing Oakwood a 2-1 win.

In the second game Oakwood started well, picking up from where they left off in game 1 but fell behind against the run of play. Only the Foundry Lane goalkeeper was keeping Oakwood at bay - making numerous top saves. The pressure eventually told, Sonny again making the breakthrough and bringing Oakwood level. Despite a couple of last minute chances the game stayed 1-1.

A good set of results on a very old night, with Sonny picking up the Player of the Day award for bagging his 3 goals.

Thursday 22 February 2018

Year 5 at Winchester Science Centre

Yesterday Year 5 had a Science fun-filled day at Winchester Science Centre. The Planetarium was a really special experience with so many hands on activities to have a go at.

Tuesday 20 February 2018

My Bnk in Year 3 -Second Session

My Bnk visited Year 3 again today for our second session on being financially 'savey'.

In today's session we were given our profession's daily wage. We were then given a range of scenarios and had to decide in groups how and if we would spend our money. This led to lots of 'heated' discussions as groups voted on how to part with their well earned wages. It was interesting to observe the different decisions individuals and groups made: as the activity progressed more and more groups were reluctant to part with any money. Some groups also found that they did not have enough money to pay bills! 

Discussions were then held on the difference between what we need and what we want, and the lessons we had learned. Take a look:- 

Friday 9 February 2018

Thursday 8 February 2018

To infinity and beyond!

Year 5 had a wonderful afternoon yesterday showing off their outstanding homework projects. Have a look at the photos below.

Wednesday 7 February 2018

Superhero Day in Year 2

The children all dressed up for superhero day and did various activities.

They had walked down a "runway" to show off their costumes and had a special superhero photo shoot.

Maple Class Assembly

Maple Classes assembly had a Superhero theme. The children retold the story of Superworm with actions, shared some of their work they have done over the term, and sang a superhero song.

A fantastic performance, you all spoke clearly and with confidence! Well done.

KS1 Personal Best Day

This activity for the Personal Best Day in Key Stage 1 this term was dance. the children were taught different steps, practiced it and put it together with the music. They had a great time, there are some fabulous dancers!!

Sewing Puppets in Year 2

This term the children in Year 2 have designed and made superhero puppets using their sewing skills. Don't they look great!

Year 2 visit to the Tudor House

Year 2 enjoyed a visit to the Tudor House and gardens in Southampton. The children had a workshop which involved handling artifacts and dressing up, as well as a guided tour around the Castle walls as well as the city vaults.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Year 5 Design Astrolabes

Year 5 have designed some absolutely wonderful astrolabes, inspired by the astrolabe in our class novel 'Phoenix'. The astrolabe is an instrument used to make astronomical measurements, typically of the altitudes of celestial bodies, and in navigation for calculating latitude, before the development of the sextant. The astrolabe in 'Phoenix' is actually able to transport your mind across all of space, so our astrolabes were designed to also have such incredible powers. We are sure you'll agree - Year 5 did a fantastic job!

We are also busy writing descriptions to accompany the amazing artworks!

Monday 5 February 2018

Year 3 Times Tables Songs Part 1

Year 3 have been busy making up times tables raps and putting different tables to well known tunes to help us easily remember our times tables facts. Here are the first three brave groups to record their efforts.

Year 1 Cupcake Cooking

Year 1 have been cooking! We made cupcakes for our Mad Hatter's Tea Party.

Y1 Mad Hatters Tea Party!

The children have worked really hard to create their own Mad Hatters Tea Party from scratch. The children baked their own cakes, designed and decorated their own plates and decorated their cakes. The cupcakes were delicious and all of the children had a fabulous time. Have a look at our tea party!

Year 1 Home Learning Project

Our Year 1 Home Learning Project for Spring 1 was to create a Hat for the Mad Hatter's Tea Party. The children have all worked so hard and have done an amazing job!!! Their hat creations are truly remarkable. Take a look ....

Y1 The Three Little Pigs

In class this term we have been looking at fairytales and traditional stories. We have looked at the story of The Three Little Pigs and reconstructed their houses using the materials in the story (sticks, straw and bricks).

MyBnk in Year 3

This morning Year 3 had their first MyBnk session. MyBnk is a charity that works to increase financial awareness from an early age and helps young people understand how the decisions they make around money will affect their futures.

In this morning's session Year 3 thought about how money is earned and whether they would consider themselves 'super spenders' or 'super savers'. They were assigned a different profession and had to solve various problems which involved budgeting on their given salary.

WOW fact of Day- We learned that the population of the U.K spends an incredible one point two trillion pounds on stuff a year.

Year 5 Make Eyeballs!

Year 5 are having fun today making pizzas disguised as eyeballs! This is because the aliens in our current class novel, 'Phoenix' conceal from humans how delicious their food is by making it look like cooked eyeballs. We know the eyeballs will taste better than they look!

Sunday 4 February 2018

Y6 visit London

On Friday Y6 were at school bright and early as they had a long journey to London to make.

First stop? The Natural History Museum and Science Museum to explore Darwin, Evolution, Space, Volcanoes & Earthquakes, Victorians and anything else that that took their fancy! The children found the displays and information fascinating, it was hard to keep them moving at times!

Having spent time at the two museums, we boarded the coach again and travelled past Westminster to The Globe. After a quick break for lunch, the children met their respective actors who gave them their guided tour of the theatre, providing a history of The Globe and the development of Shakespeare's acting company. Then, the children's acting skills were tested as they began their exploration of Shakespeare's Macbeth under the expert tuition of their actors.

The children had a fantastic day and even the traffic was on our side!

Friday 2 February 2018

We all love aliens

Year R's latest topic has been all about 'Space Adventures' and we have learned all about space and its inhabitants.

We began our topic with a strange message from the aliens giving us instructions to make them some pants and it finished with another message, but from Mr Taylor this time, asking us to write him a letter to tell him what we have learned.

Along the way we have had lots of fun making straw blown aliens, building our own role play, making moon mud and ice craters, alien dancing, space music making, marbling solar systems and much much more.

We have thoroughly enjoyed learning about space, bring on the next topic.

Thursday 1 February 2018

Year R: Mr Taylor receives some letters....

Year R received a video message from Mr Taylor requesting information about astronomy! What a coincidence, as we're just wrapping up our topic on 'Outer Space'! Year R were only too happy to write (and decorate) letters for Mr Taylor! They wrote 'memory words' and sounded-out unknown words phonetically. Their teachers were VERY impressed by their fantastic sentence ideas and amazing knowledge of outer space! To finish, they decorated them with pastels and e-mailed him to ask if he could pop by to pick them up! Mr Taylor was very pleased with his letters!