Wednesday 26 February 2020

Reading Competition Winners...

Well done to everyone who has been working hard to read 4 times a week with an adult.

The winners of this week's reading competition are...

Maple and 4JH!

Congratulations to those two classes! Enjoy your class treats this week. Don't forget you will also be choosing a class book from Waterstones, so start thinking about which book you would like. 

Friday 14 February 2020

Y1 Mad Hatters Tea Party

Our topic this half term has been 'Once Upon A Time'. We learned alot about an author called Lewis Carroll who wrote a story called 'Alice's adventures in wonderland'. We found out that Lewis actually wrote the stories for an Alice who has been buried in Lyndhurst Hampshire. We decided in honour of his stories we would have our own wonderful Mad Hatters Tea Party.

Year 5 visit 'Winchester Science Centre'

Year 5 had the best time at Winchester Science Centre this week. Have a look at some of the photos from our day.

5FL make pop books

We had great fun last week learning how to make pop up books in the style of 'Curiosity'.

Tuesday 11 February 2020

Reading Competition Winners!

Well done to everyone who has been working hard to read 4 times a week with an adult. It's great to see so many parents/carers filling in the reading journals. 

But now, the moment we have been waiting for... 

The winners of this week's reading competition are...

Maple and 6JP !!

Congratulations to those two classes! Enjoy your class treat this week. Don't forget you will also be choosing a class book from Waterstones, so start thinking about which book you would like. 

Monday 10 February 2020

Y4 River Home learning

Year 4 have been busy working away at home on their Rivers Home Learning project. We were amazed at the fantastic work they produced and had a great time sharing with Y1.

Friday 7 February 2020

Catapult Cars

For the first time, Year 4 have designed and built catapult cars using lollipop sticks, masking tape and card. They had to design the structure of the chassis and select a body-shape that was strong and streamlined! Here are the results:

Thursday 6 February 2020

Year 3 Henry Moore Inspired family sculptures.

Year 3 have just finished their Henry Moore inspired family sculptures. Not an easy task! Not only did they have to use all their learned clay techniques-like joining-but had to use what they learned at the beginning of this learning journey about correct body proportions. They worked together in pairs to produce a grouped family sculpture. Well done Year 3.

Y1 Carnival of the Animals

Year 1's music of the week was ' Carnival of the animals'. We listened to the music discussed the tempo and pitch for each section of the piece of music. We then discussed what the animals might be doing? How they might be doing it? what their bodies look like? This links to our science work as well all about animals.

Wednesday 5 February 2020

Y4 Build a river

As part of Rivers topic Year 4 spent yesterday afternoon constructing a river on the playground. We thought about all the different parts of the river and watched as the water made its way down the river course.

Tuesday 4 February 2020

And the winners are...

The winners of this week's reading competition are...

Elm and 6JP!

Congratulations to those two classes! Enjoy your class treats this week. Don't forget you will also be choosing a class book from Waterstones, so start thinking about which book you would like. 

Remember to read 4 times a week with an adult at home and ask them to record it in your reading journals. It's the only way to win!
Good luck everyone!