Sunday 28 June 2020

Mrs Whitmarsh's Caterpillar Diaries - Part 4!

And already, after just a few hours, each caterpillar has started to shed its exoskeleton and begun to form a chrysalis! What amazingly clever creatures!

Mrs Whitmarsh's Caterpillar Diaries - Part 3!

Well, things are progressing nicely, and as I suspected, the caterpillars are getting ready to change into their chrysalides.

They are now hanging upside down and forming a 'j' shape, ready to create each chrysalis that will help them transform into a butterfly:

Saturday 27 June 2020

Team Oakwood-Keep Going with Style!

Once again Team Oakwood have impressed everyone with their great learning. As the time that we haven't spent altogether as a school gets longer, these photos and movies clips have become an even more important tool in uniting us all. It is so lovely to see all the wonderful things you have been doing and all the smiles on your faces. A BIG thank you from everyone at the school for all your hard work and once again we are VERY proud of you all. Enjoy:-

Friday 26 June 2020

Lily's Litter-Picking!

Lily in Year 2 has noticed that lots of rubbish has been building up in the local area recently. She has learned in school about the importance of looking after the environment, and she wanted to do something to help. So, she's been out with her litter picker and collected two whole bags of rubbish! Well done Lily, and remember everyone, put your rubbish in a bin or take it home with you.

Mrs Whitmarsh's Caterpillar Diaries - part 2!

Well, I never realised how quickly caterpillars grew!

When they arrived, they were like little dots in their home, and ever since they seem to have been doubling in size every day!

On Wednesday they looked like this:

And then this morning, they looked like this - it's hard to see from the photo, but they are developing a furry, cotton wool-like material around them... I think they must be getting near the stage where they are ready to form a chrysalis!

There's a great video here that shows different types of caterpillar turning into butterflies. There is no narration so you could become the next David Attenborough and use it to write your own butterfly life-cycle voice-over!

I'll update you next week on the next set of changes!

Thursday 25 June 2020

Thank You NHS and Key Workers

The Y3 Hedgehog bubble had a go at 'forced perspective' chalk art to say thank you to all the NHS and Key Worker families at our school.

Monday 22 June 2020

Mrs Whitmarsh's Caterpillar Diaries!

I hope you all had a good weekend and are safely enjoying the lovely sunny weather.

I have some exciting visitors in my house at the moment....5 little caterpillars!

They arrived last week and were smaller than the diameter of a 5p piece. However, they are growing fast and have already doubled in size!

We are observing them very carefully and using them to learn all about how butterflies are formed. I know already that the species of butterfly that my caterpillars will turn into is called a 'Painted Lady'.

I will be updating the blog regularly with their progress and with facts that I am finding out along the way.

In the meantime, what facts can you find out about caterpillars and butterflies? You might want to find out how many different species of butterfly live in the UK? Which is the most common species? Which is the rarest? Are any endangered?

If you're feeling arty, can you find a picture of a highly patterned caterpillar and create an observational drawing?

I'll update you in a few days with their progress!

Friday 19 June 2020

Think About Things Dance

The Hedgehogs Bubble had a go at learning the dance to the song submitted by Iceland to the Eurovision song contest.

Fruit Faces, Circus Stars and even an Elephant-Oakwood Learning 15-19.6.20

Lots of fun exciting learning this week to take a look at. Well done Oakwood.

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Duchess of Cambridge Assembly

The Duchess of Cambridge is going to lead an online assembly on mental wellbeing among children.

Tomorrow, the Duchess of Cambridge will lead an online assembly for the Oak National Academy during which she will speak about the importance of mental wellbeing among children. The theme of the Duchess’ assembly is ‘spread a little kindness’.

The assembly will be live on the Oak National Academy website at 11am on Thursday 18 June and can be accessed here:

A recording of the assembly will be available to view on the Oak National Academy website following the event.

Tuesday 16 June 2020

A baking challenge from Mrs Mahoney

This is for a message for all our Oakwood Primary children and families.

I love baking with my children, Sophie (9) and Edward (6)!
Edward and I would love you to try baking a carrot cake like we did. We have baked this recipe quite a few times as it always comes out well and we think it is delicious. My mum, who is an amazing cook, uses this recipe now and she has tried many carrot cake recipes over the years!

Baking is a great activity for all the family. As well as enjoyment, there are extra learning opportunities for children in the form of reading, writing, maths and science!

In addition to using the measuring scales to measure the ingredients, here are some of the maths questions I asked Edward as he was baking:
• How many grams are there in 1kg?
• 100g add 150g
• Double 250g
• What fraction of the 500g bag did we use?
• What is 4 tablespoons of butter in grams? 14.3g x 4?

Don’t worry of you do not have the exact ingredients. We used:
• All white self-raising flour as we didn’t have wholemeal.
• 1 tsp nutmeg and 1 tsp cinnamon instead of 2 tsp mixed spice (or you could leave out the spice)
• Golden caster sugar instead of icing sugar
We used an electric mixer to make the icing topping but you could also whisk it by hand.
The carrot cake also works well in a round cake tin!

We hope you enjoy the egg yolk in oil video – we thought it was very interesting!
Also, Edward usually says no to cracking the eggs but agreed to do it if I filmed him! He did really well!

Good luck with your baking! Have fun!

Monday 15 June 2020

Charity Fundraising by Pupils of Oakwood.

We all know what AMAZING and thoughtful children we have at Oakwood and in the past couple of days we have received a couple of emails which illustrate just this.

Incredibly, just like Captain Tom Moore, two Oakwood pupils have gone that extra mile during lock down and have been doing some fundraising.

A very proud sister in 5FL let us know about her very special young brother, Callum in Year 1, who has just finished running a staggering 27 miles for charity-that is a whole marathon! Callum started on the 11th May and finished on the 31st May. He raised a stupendous £686 for Cancer research.  Unbelievably,  he is not stopping there but is going to carry on till the end of July when he hopes he will have run a whooping 100 miles. A-MAZ-ING Callum!

But that is not all. 

For another incredible pupil Lilia in Year 4 has also been fundraising for a very important cause. Dreamflight is a UK charity that changes the young lives of children with a serious illness or disability by taking them on the holiday of a lifetime to Florida. Lilia raised over £530 for the charity- which would pay for a whole day on Dreamflight. She did this by being incredibly selfless and getting sponsored for cutting lots of her hair off. Afterwards she donated her hair to the Little Princess Trust who make wigs for children who, for different reasons, have lost their hair. Dreamflight were incredibly impressed and emailed the school to let us know.

Well done! 

Oakwood is very proud of you.

Rainy Poem!

Hi everyone!

I'm sat here at my computer, looking out of the window at the torrential rain and hearing the dripping, pitter-patter, and it got me thinking of rainy day poems!

I had a search for some new ones and I particularly like this one by Annette Wynn, called Daisies Standing in the Rain, because it suits the summer rain and reminds me that there is always something positive to look forwards to!

Daisies standing in the rain,
Hold their heads together,
But they never once complain
Of the drenching weather.

Daisies know the sun will dry
All their dripping laces;
They're far too wise to frown and sigh
And spoil their dainty faces.

Can any of you write your own rainy day poems? If you do, send them to me because I'd love to read them!

Mrs Whitmarsh

Thursday 11 June 2020

Part of This School

Sing and sign along to 'Part of This School' with Southampton Music Hub.

Monday 8 June 2020

Mrs Petley's Singing Assembly Warm Up

Join in with Mrs Petley's Singing Assembly Warm Up!

Friday 5 June 2020

More Super Learning from Team Oakwood.

Well it has been several weeks since we last all together, but still Team Oakwood is staying strong. Once again we have been so impressed with all your great learning. Take a look at just a small snippet of what you have all been up to:-

Monday 1 June 2020