Friday 24 May 2019

Year 2 Art

Year 2 have enjoyed printing. They created a tile inspired by the artist William Morris and created a repeating pattern.

Author Visit in Year R and KS1

Author and actor Grant Koper visited Year R and KS1 on Tuesday to share his new book. Grant read 'The Day Granny's Knickers Blew Away' to the children using some very funny voices!

Afterwards the children asked Grant questions including:

'What made you become an author?'
'How do you write your stories?'
'How many schools have you read this story to?'

Some children had ordered Grant's book and he very kindly signed them.

It was great to see the children engaged in a new story read by the author.

Thursday 23 May 2019

Willow Class Scooter Training

Willow Class enjoyed their scooter training with Jenny Babey from SUSTRANS!

Year 2 Homelearning

What amazing home learning projects were done this term. The children have done a range of activities and all have had the opportunity to share their projects with their friends.

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Green Fingers in Year R

During our topic 'Up the Beanstalk' we have been learning all about planting and what plants need to survive.

We have made Mr Greenheads from recycled and reused socks and pots and have planted our own vegetables from courgettes and tomatoes to some climbing beans. I wonder if we will get a beanstalk like Jack did?

We have also learned about the importance of reusing and recycling in order to look after our environment!

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Mask making in Y4

As part of our History topic, Year 4 have started to create our own Maya inspired masks. This week we have started to paper mache our masks.

Monday 13 May 2019

Y1 Litter awareness

As part of the plastic free day year 1 decided to research the causes and effects of littering. We learnt lots about sorting recycling, reducing our waste, re-using things instead of throwing them away, air pollution and garden waste care. We made videos in our groups to help promote awareness for this serious issue.

Thursday 9 May 2019

Plastic Free Day

You will see from some of our other recent blog posts, that Oakwood had a great 'Plastic Free Day' this week.

All children got involved with learning about single-use plastic and its effect on our environment. Key Stage 2 were lucky enough to have a visit from a group from King's Church who told us all about their ecobricking project, Year 6 did a local community litter pick and two of our Pupil Councillors were lucky enough to have a slot on local breakfast radio!

Across the school children also completed their own pledges to reduce plastic, wrote letters and emails to local companies to ask them to reduce their plastic use, they found inventive ways to re-use plastic in school, to name but a few!

Have a look at Year 3's top tips for reducing plastic:

Top Tips for families to reduce plastic use!

These are some of the ways our class have thought of to reduce our plastic usage and help the environment.
1. When you buy an ice-cream, ask for a cone instead of a cup as you get given a plastic spoon too – too much plastic!
2. Ditch single-use plastic items
3. Always take your litter home, wherever you are!
4. Re-think your birthday bag! Ditch the rubbish plastic toys you only use once. Include just a cake or something home-made.
5. Take a cloth bag/re-usable bag to the shops.
6. Always use paper straws instead of plastic straws.
7. Use re-usable tubs in a lunchbox not food wrapped in plastic.
8. Use metal cutlery.
9. Drink from a re-usable bottle at school and when you’re out.

Please think about using these tips at home. These tips will help our planet!

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Y6 Go Plastic Picking

This afternoon, Y6 (and a few parents) picked up their pickers and refuse sacks before heading out into our local community. The groups divided the Sandpiper road loop and all the closes and paths up and spent an hour and a half plastic (any other waste) picking.

In 90 minutes they collected a staggering amount of plastic, glass and metal waste. There were audible gasps on the playground at the end of the day when parents saw just how much rubbish had been collected from our local community. The biggest offenders were: plastic sweet and chocolate wrappers; alcohol bottles and cans; and drinks bottles. A shopping trolley, a tyre and a bicycle were also found!

It's great to know that the bags and bags of litter are no longer a danger to the wildlife and our local community but Y6 were sad to see the amount of litter people had left in the area they live.

BBC Radio Solent Interview

We were invited to join Julian Clegg on his breakfast radio show at BBC Radio Solent today. Oakwood were represented by two members of our Pupil Council who spoke brilliantly about the Plastic Free Day and how we can reduce our use of plastic! Have a listen!

Tuesday 7 May 2019

5FL @ Oasis Academy

5FL had the best morning at Oasis Academy this morning. We took along our cat mummies to see Tracy Lyons and her amazing art studio. She taught us how to use mudroc and cover our mummies safely and brilliantly. Look out for 5BW's visit and our finished pieces!

Thursday 2 May 2019

Year 3 Groundforce Project Phase 1-Ideas and Meeting Mr Barrett.

As part of the whole school Groundforce project to get everyone involved in improving the outside environment, Year 3 have been given the responsibility of improving the walled areas outside of their classrooms. To get our project off the ground Year 3 met together to come up with some initial ideas. We talked about safety, budget and what could be achieved realistically.  We then invited Mr Barrett to meet our school councillors to discuss our ideas. Mr Barrett was very excited and extremely helpful and suggested a few ideas of his own. The next phase is to write to Mr Taylor for advice on our plans and details on safe paints and resources we can purchase.

Take a look at our initial ideas:-

Year 2 Flower Drawings

This week, Year 2 were looking closely at flowers following our topic 'The Secret Garden'. They looked at a number of different flowers and drew their own observational drawings of them.

Watch the clip to see how they got on.

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Writing Workshare in Year R

In Year R we did our workshare a little differently, it was stay and play time!

We showcased activities that we use to promote writing during the children's own learning, from talk for writing to word building and some of the handwriting jobs that we use to strengthen our hands ready for writing.

Writing Workshare May 2019

Thank you so much to everybody who came this morning to share their child's writing journey and see how they can continue supporting this at home.