Thursday 9 May 2019

Plastic Free Day

You will see from some of our other recent blog posts, that Oakwood had a great 'Plastic Free Day' this week.

All children got involved with learning about single-use plastic and its effect on our environment. Key Stage 2 were lucky enough to have a visit from a group from King's Church who told us all about their ecobricking project, Year 6 did a local community litter pick and two of our Pupil Councillors were lucky enough to have a slot on local breakfast radio!

Across the school children also completed their own pledges to reduce plastic, wrote letters and emails to local companies to ask them to reduce their plastic use, they found inventive ways to re-use plastic in school, to name but a few!

Have a look at Year 3's top tips for reducing plastic:

Top Tips for families to reduce plastic use!

These are some of the ways our class have thought of to reduce our plastic usage and help the environment.
1. When you buy an ice-cream, ask for a cone instead of a cup as you get given a plastic spoon too – too much plastic!
2. Ditch single-use plastic items
3. Always take your litter home, wherever you are!
4. Re-think your birthday bag! Ditch the rubbish plastic toys you only use once. Include just a cake or something home-made.
5. Take a cloth bag/re-usable bag to the shops.
6. Always use paper straws instead of plastic straws.
7. Use re-usable tubs in a lunchbox not food wrapped in plastic.
8. Use metal cutlery.
9. Drink from a re-usable bottle at school and when you’re out.

Please think about using these tips at home. These tips will help our planet!

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