Wednesday 15 December 2021

Christmas Art in Year 2

Year 2 have been feeling festive and doing a lot of arts and crafts. We have made calendars for our families, Christmas cards and decorations.

Year 2 Fire, Fire Home Learning

Year 2 have been learning all about Fire. We have learned about The Great Fire of London and Guy Fawkes in History. In English we have been writing Diaries and Fire Poems. In RE we have learned how a Candle is used as a symbol. The children were asked to do a Home Learning Project about Fire and they have produced some amazing work!

Thursday 9 December 2021

Year 1 Question of Faith Day

On Tuesday we were lucky enough to have our ‘Question of Faith Day’ to help us learn all about angels in our R.E topic. We had so much fun learning about the job of angels in the Christmas story. We even got to dress up in costumes and act out the story of Christmas! We played a game where we had to put the Christmas cards together in teams and also collaged some pictures from the nativity story using different pieces of paper and glue. We are definitely experts on angels in Year 1!!

Year 1 -DT- Wheels and Axles - CREATE!!!

Post 2 of 2: After lots of designing and testing we were ready to start creating! We were thrilled with how our vehicles turned out! Next, we'll be evaluating the process and thinking of how we might improve things for next time. Such as, for example, using duct tape instead of masking tape.

DT- Year 1- Wheels and Axles- DESIGN and TEST

Post 1 of 2: Design Stage- This past half-term we have been working on ‘Wheels and Axles’ for our DT topic. We started by learning about what types of vehicles/objects have wheels and what makes them work best. We then learned about ‘axles’, ‘axles holders’ and the ‘chassis’. We experimented with card, straws and masking tape to create our first model. We learned some ‘top tips’ from this process which we applied to the creation of our final product vehicles (following post). We drew and labelled our designs and brought boxes/tubes in from home ready to create!

Friday 3 December 2021

Year 1 Toy Dress-Up Day

Today the children were invited to dress-up as a toy to celebrate our topic. We had a fashion show and all had a go at 'striking a pose' for the camera! We then explored some new and old toys, comparing the materials they are made from and how they work. We created a simple table to then draw and sort the toys into 'new' and 'old'. Next week we will be learning about the phone, who invented it and then comparing a simple timeline of how phones have evolved to what we have today.

Wednesday 24 November 2021

Clarice Cliff Plates in Year 2

Year 2 focused on design in Art this week. We looked at the work of Clarice Cliff, in particular her 'Circle Tree' design. We've recreated our own on paper plates.

Wednesday 17 November 2021

Fiery Silhouettes in Year 2

Year 2 focused on their painting skills this week. We thought about how to comfortably hold our paintbrush, loading the brush with the right amount of paint and painting long flowing strokes across the page. By doing all of this the children created a fiery background which they then added a silhouette of buildings to represent the Great Fire of London.

Thursday 4 November 2021

Year 1 Abstract Art

Year 1 have been learning how to use a variety of circles to create abstract art!

Monday 1 November 2021

Y4 Ancient Greece Day

Year 4 had a great day last half term celebrating all of their learning about Ancient Greece. The children were asked to bring in a home project all about Ancient Greece. They did a brilliant job and were very brave standing in front of the class for their presentations. We also recapped everything we have learned this half term and made some Ancient Greek recipes. Did you know the Ancient Greeks didn't have tomatoes?

Friday 22 October 2021

Year 2 Myths and Legends Day!

 Year 2 have had a great day today celebrating all of their learning about Myths and Legends! 

The children were asked to bring in a home project all about a mythical creature or legend. They did a brilliant job and were very brave standing in front of the class for their presentations. 

We are so proud of everything Year 2 have achieved this half term and for having such a brilliant topic day!

Sunday 17 October 2021

Friday 15 October 2021

Year 1 Smoothies- Day 2

Our second group had their turn in the kitchen today to create smoothies! Leading up to this we have been busy learning about how fruit and vegetables grow, the differences between them, tasting them and then creating ingredients lists. The children had great fun and will be rating their smoothies out of five stars!

Y4 Maths

Here is a little glimpse of us working hard in our maths lessons :)

Y4 Music Lessons

We have been learning to play the trumpet and clarinet in our music lessons. It can test our resilience when we don't quite get it right but we have strength and we will never give up :)

Friday 8 October 2021

Year 1 Smoothies, Day 1

Today half the classes went into the kitchen armed with their aprons and their ingredients lists. They worked together as a team to chop and prepare the fruit and then took turns using the blenders. Taste testing then commenced and most were deemed to be delicious! A few (mainly the ones that had carrot in) were given mediocre reviews as they were a bit chewy! Next Friday the other children will be having their turns, too.

Y6 Osmington Bay 2021 - Part 2

 Part 2 of the Osmington Bay experience! 

Y6 Osmington Bay 2021 - Part 1

Enjoy these fabulous photos from Osmington Bay!

Year 6's Victorian Day

 Year 6 have had a wonderful day today, recreating a Victorian school! 

The morning began with a 'drill' (PE for Victorians!), followed by the children entering their Victorian classroom for the morning. They learned so much about how school worked in the Victorian era: fingernail inspections, arithmetic, handwriting and posture lessons. They even discovered the fascinating history of the potato! Why not ask a Year 6 what they learned today?

The children were brilliant at getting into character - we were very proud of them!

Wednesday 6 October 2021

Y4 Pavilion Structure Exploration

Y4 are going to be constructing and designing temples for one of the Greek Gods. As part of our journey we explored creating different shapes for our structures and the best way to keep them stable. We used sweets and cocktail sticks for this activity. We had lots of fun!

Monday 4 October 2021

Intra-House Cross Country Competition

Today children all across the school from EYFS to Y6 competed in an Intra-House Cross Country Competition. Pupils were awarded points depending on their position in the competition all added into their house box. Points will be counted and revealed in our celebration assembly on Friday. We are so proud of everyone who participated in the competition today. A big thank you to the Testlands team for helping us have such a safe and fun day! Well done. Go Team Oakwood!

Come and visit the library!

This afternoon we invited YR, Y1 and Y2 parents and children into the library after school. It was great to see so many families reading and enjoying the books!

The library is open weekly on these days:

Mondays - Years R, 1 and 2

Tuesdays - Years 3 and 4

Thursdays - Years 5 and 6

There will be a member of staff from the year groups present at each session, who can be on hand to chat to about books, help you navigate the library and sign books in and out.

Friday 1 October 2021

Year 1 Alien Crash Landing- Science Hook

Today as a 'hook' for our new Science unit about human bodies we had a crash landing in our playground! An alien that looked like broccoli left a secret message for us asking us to draw and label human bodies, as their bodies were very different compared to our human bodies! For example, the broccoli aliens used their eyes to TASTE their food! After all the excitement we explained that it was actually just Mrs Brooke-Shore pretending to be a broccoli alien, and if you'd like to rewatch the video message they left (to make sure your child didn't find it at all scary) you can watch it at home here by copying and pasting this link: Over the coming weeks we will be learning more about how our bodies work and our senses.

Tuesday 28 September 2021

Strength and Pride

In Art today Year 2 were drawing for pleasure! We decided as our topid is Myths and Legends, that we would have a go at drawing dragons. Lots of us thought this was going to be really tricky and took a look of stregth to have a go and keep at it. By the end you can see on our faces, how proud we are of our final drawings.

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Friday 10 September 2021

Year 1 DT- Fruit or Veg?

This week Year 1 began their first Design Technology topic, Fruit and Vegetables! Today we were exploring a variety of both, using our senses to feel and smell them. We discussed where fruit and veg come from, how we know when they're ripe for picking, how they are healthy for us and how different people have different preferences about which taste the best. Our main task was to decide how to sort them into 'fruit' or 'vegetable' categories. Some of us were very surprised to find out that it's all about the seeds! We cut them open and examined the different types of seeds inside and then sorted them into categories. The children agreed that the most surprising 'fruits' were butternut squash and cucumber! The children followed up with some excellent questions, such as, 'Where do vegetable seeds come from then?" This topic will eventually lead to design and taste our own healthy smoothies, so stay tuned!

Thursday 9 September 2021

Our first week in Year R

The children in Reception have had a fantastic first week at school and have settled in really well, adapting to routines and making new friends. Have a look at what fun they have had.

Year 1 Cedar class doing some art!

This week we have started our new topic 'Marvellous Me'. We have each been given a special sketch book and have had a lesson about drawing self-portraits today. We thought carefully about different parts of the body and things that make us special, like eye colour, smiles, hairs, etc. We sat at our very own tables and concentrated on our portraits, then shared them proudly with our classmates!

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Year 2 Artists

Year 2 have been learning that everybody is an artist and no art is ever wrong! We have started the year by creating our own sketchbooks that we will be adding to over the coming weeks.

Friday 3 September 2021

Year 1 day 2

Today we made our 'Class Charter' and promised each other to uphold the values of our school. We decorated bees to represent ourselves and stuck them on our class 'hive' to promise that we'd all try our best to show strength, empathy, resilience, curiosity pride excellence and work as a team. We also had lots of fun playing maths games inside and out today such as '10 Green Bottles', '5 Little Ducks' and 'What's the Time Mr Wolf'! Miss Purvis and Mrs Brooke-Shore were very happy to see that all of the children remembered how to count in 2s, add, subitise, take-away and use a tens frame to problem-solve! Well done! We finished the day with some phonics and a nice long 'Discovery Time' session. Mrs Raven came to read Cedar class a story at the end of the day and saw the children out the door so she could also see the parents! Happy weekend everyone!

Thursday 2 September 2021

Year 1- Our first morning of school

Hello year 1 parents! We know you're probably keen to see your children's new classroom and what they've been up to these first 2 days so we'll try and post regularly. Today and tomorrow we will be exploring our new base, reminding ourselves of routines, doing our 'Class Charter' and playing lots of team-building games.

Friday 23 July 2021

Tuesday 20 July 2021

Elm Class at Testwood Lakes

Year 2 went to Testwood Lakes for their trip. We focused on our map reading skills by helping Speckle the Spider find his belongings that he'd lost in the woods and around the site. We then needed to find as many of Speckle's friends as we could by sweeping the long grass and log turning in the woods. It was a very fun day, evenif it was a bit hot!

Friday 16 July 2021

Year R at Hillier- Oak class

We had a lovey time at Hillier today! The sun shone, the butterflies fluttered and the bees buzzed. We got to participate in all sorts of wonderful activities that allowed us to really experience all that nature has to offer on a fine summer day. We skimmed the long grass using nets to try and catch crickets, grasshoppers, butterflies and beetles. We went pond dipping and caught a whole array of little critters, such as newts, pond skaters and freshwater prawns. We used colour palettes, just like artists, to colour match using the beautiful flowers at Hiller, snap! We also went on a scavenger hunt through a meadow looking out for items that don’t belong in nature, we had to look closely as some were camouflaged! Thank-you to Hiller and to all of the parents who helped make this wonderful day possible!

Year R at Hillier- Beech Class

We had a lovey time at Hillier today! The sun shone, the butterflies fluttered and the bees buzzed. We got to participate in all sorts of wonderful activities that allowed us to really experience all that nature has to offer on a fine summer day. We skimmed the long grass using nets to try and catch crickets, grasshoppers, butterflies and beetles. We went pond dipping and caught a whole array of little critters, such as newts, pond skaters and freshwater prawns. We used colour palettes, just like artists, to colour match using the beautiful flowers at Hiller, snap! We also went on a scavenger hunt through a meadow looking out for items that don’t belong in nature, we had to look closely as some were camouflaged! Thank-you to Hiller and to all of the parents who helped make this wonderful day possible!

Tuesday 13 July 2021

Using Electricity

 In Year 4, we have been learning about using electricity. We have explored making our own circuits, and designing our own torches. 

YR Zoolab Visit

The children in Year R were very lucky to have Anna from Zoolab come to visit. They were introduced to Gary the Giant African Snail, a Giant Cockroach, Buttercup the tarantula, Cheese the millipede and Dolly the snake. Anna taught the children about each of the minibeasts and introduced each of them, including a reptile! She then allowed the children to handle each of the creatures if they wanted or encouraged a wave if they weren't feeling quite brave enough. A big Thank you to Anna for such an exciting and interesting visit.

Year 2 Sewing

Year 2 have been learning to sew. We have learned how to stitch a running stitch and have made a pouch from felt with a garden theme.

Friday 9 July 2021

Year R Jungle week 3

This was our last week learning about the jungle. We’ve really enjoyed reading the book, “Day Monkey, Night Monkey” and have followed up by sorting nocturnal and diurnal animals, exploring shadows and writing sentences about what we do in the day/night time. We have also used natural materials that we found outside to create some ‘jungle pictures’ of our favourite creatures! Next week we will be learning about sea creatures and how to keep our environment clean.

Tuesday 6 July 2021

What We will Build-Year 3

 Year 3 have created a unique piece of mixed media art inspired the story, 'What we will Build' by Oliver Jeffers. Take a look:-

Elm Class Explore Capacity

Elm Class had great fun getting wet and exploring volume and capacity. We predicted and measured different amounts of water using different sized pots and measuring tubes.

Monday 5 July 2021

Year 2 Geography - Hot and Cold

Our Geography theme this half term is hot and cold. We have focussed on the North and South Poles and the Equator. We have looked at what the equator is and how it divides Earth into hemispheres, the differences in climate and weather at these points and we have enjoyed exploring atlases and aerial photos.

Friday 2 July 2021

Year R Jungle topic week 2

This week we have been making some African savanna artwork using pastels and stencils. We have also been busy learning and writing facts about giraffes after being inspired by the book, ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’. We have really enjoyed playing parachute games together to build teamwork and communication. As always, we’ve loved getting a bit messy outside and have been using bubbles and slime today!

Y4 Circus Skills

Today children worked on their growth mindset, their balance, their co-ordination and their gymnastics skills as they practiced for the circus. They had a go at tightrope walking, juggling, acrobatics and other circus challenges.


Wednesday 30 June 2021

Year 2 Science - Plants

Friday 25 June 2021

Year R- Jungle topic Week 1

This was the first week of our new ‘Jungle’ topic. We’ve enjoyed making parrots using paint, glue and tissue paper. We also made our very own binoculars to use for jungle exploring! There has been lots of den-making again this week using various materials and methods. It was so much fun to pretend that we were camping out in the jungle! It has been lovely to see so many children enthusiastic to write about our new topic! In other news, we had to say ‘good-bye’ to our butterflies, who emerged from their cocoons over the weekend. They’ll be fluttering around the school area so no doubt you may see one of the one day soon!

Monday 21 June 2021

Year 2 - Maths Reasoning

We have been looking at 'Talk it...Solve it' Maths questions and discussing our ideas in groups. We have also been justifyng our reasons why we think the answer is correct.

Friday 18 June 2021

A week in Year R....

This week was SO much fun! We have been learning about bees! We had lots of fun tasting honey and exploring our bee sensory tray. We all dressed up on Wednesday for the 'Ugly Bug Ball' and had great fun in the sun buzzing and flying around showing off our costumes. We've added a pizza oven to our Minibeast Cafe and have been dishing up some very gross pizzas for the customers. Today was a very rainy day and so we built a den in the woods to shelter us from the pouring rain. We also used foam to play 'Minibeast Ice-cream Shop'. We hope you enjoy watching!

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Year 2 Getting Close To Nature

Year 2 are learning about plants in science this half term. Today we got out and about to observe the trees and plants around our grounds and to make observational drawings of some of the things we found. We also looked closely at the different trees and took some rubbings of their bark. As an added challenge, we looked closely at some of the sticks that have fallen from the trees and tried to work out which ones they belonged to.

Thursday 10 June 2021

Year R-The Very Hungry Caterpillar

We've been very busy this week learning about the story, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". We've really enjoyed painting symetrical butterfly wings, using our new minibeast cafe and exploring how we can use dance and intruments to retell the story.

Wednesday 9 June 2021

Year 6 Design and Build the Perfect Playground!

Year 6 have been working today, creating their perfect playgrounds. They looked at examples of real life playgrounds, created a design criteria and made their playgrounds in teams. Check out their brilliant hard work! Well done Year 6!

Tuesday 8 June 2021

Static Electricity DT Challenge

Today we explored static electricity using lots of experiments. Then using our findings we were set the challenge of designing a game for our classmates to play, that had to use static electrictity. See what we got up to!

Ferris Wheels in Year 2

Year 2 have had a fun first day back after half term with their DT Day, which involved designing and making ferris wheels. First we learned all about the inventor George Ferris who created the very first wheel back in 1893. We were then given a design brief for the wheel we needed to make, as well as learning about how an axle and wheel mechanism works. We had great fun working in teams to make our wheels. Do you like them?

Year 3-Curious about Static Electricity

 Year 3 have been having fun finding out all about static electricity: we have been very curious to discover what might happen. What did? Take a look:-

Friday 28 May 2021

Maple class end of summer term

This is a selection of the learning we have been doing this half term.

Thursday 27 May 2021

End of Summer 1 in Elm Class

This half term has been extremely busy in Elm class. We have finished our topic 'Changes' focusing on Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole and the changes they made to nursing and hospitals. We made time lines, made comparisons and wrote a non-chronological report. Some children even took their learning outside of school and went to visit Florence's grave. In maths we learned all about measuring, position and direction and also had the chance to consolidate our learning of multiplaction, which we previously learned at home during lockdown. We completed a topic on the human form in art, which was lots of fun and produced some interesting and funny final pieces that are on display in Year 2. And finally, we even managed to squeeze in swimming lessons. Needless to say, we have had lots of fun, but are ready for our week off! We look forward to our final half term before venturing into the realms of Year 3.

Year 3-Battle of Britain Day

 Year 3 had great fun yesterday on our Battle of Britain topic Day. In the morning we made invisible ink, made,cooked and ate our own bread and also deciphered Morse code. In the afternoon we went up to the field where we discovered very strange objects located around the field and had to piece together the mystery of what might have happened. We then engaged in a thrilling 'dogfight' between the RAF and the Luftwaffe. We had a brilliant day and loved dressing up in our WW2 costumes. Take a look:-

Thursday 20 May 2021

Year R Supertato!

This week we have been reading the book, 'Supertato'! We have designed our very own veggie super heroes and have written sentences to describe their super powers. We've also been making our own super hero masks, cooking up some healthy potions for Supertato (to keep his strenth up) and making our own Supertatos to bring home. On Thursday morning we discovered something very suspicious in our classrooms, veggies had been taped to the walls and were trapped! We think the Evil Pea must have snuck in overnight and done this, how rude!

Monday 17 May 2021

Year 2 Self Portraits

Today is the final session in our Human Form art series of lessons. We have created self portraits in the style of Julian Opie, a British artist. His style is simplistic and focuses on simple lines, it was quite tricky not adding too much detail to our drawings. Can you see the resemblences?

Year 2 - Position and Direction

In Year 2 we have been learning all about position and direction in maths. We have learned our left from our right and begun to explore turns, anticlockwise and clockwise. We have loved getting outside to do this!

Friday 14 May 2021

Year 1 Outside Reading

 This week Year 1 have been really enjoying reading. We decided to read outside a couple of times this week. The children had fun sharing their books with a friend. It's great to get outside when we can!

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Year 3-Black on White Self Portraits.

 Year 3 have been looking at tone, shadow and negative space in Art. In this weeks lesson we had the challenge of using black paint on white paper to create a self portrait. We were inspired by the art work of celebrated street artist BANKSY who uses tone and minimal colours to great effect in his work. We took some silly photos and digitally made them greyscale. We looked at how the negative space in the photo were the lighter areas in our portraits and suggested features. We then had a go at reproducing them in paint. It was very difficult but we all did our very best. Take a look:-

Tuesday 11 May 2021

Funny Faces in Year 2

In Year 2 we are continuing to study the human form in art. This week we looked at various model pictures and thought about, what is beautiful? We thought about outer and inner beauty and what magazines and catalogues do to make the models more perfect. We then took these pictures and created funny face collages. We took different facial features and stuck them back together to make our faces funny. What do you think?

Year R Vegetable Printing

This week we have been reading the book, "The Enormous Turnip", and so have been discussing vegetables that grow over/underground. Today we enjoyed doing some vegetable printing, thinking carefully about where to 'stamp' them, over or under?

A visitor on the Y1 playground...

Today we had a visitor on the Year 1 playground. The children enjoyed looking at the snail and talking about how they climb up the trees. Some children decided to create habitats for the snail and thought about what they need to survive. 

Year 1 Construction Challenge

 Today, Year 1 were given the construction challenge to build a flower out of blocks. Willow class worked in small groups and were fantastic listeners! Cedar class worked as a class and created one group flower. 

Well done Year 1, you competed today's construction challenge! 

Monday 10 May 2021

Y4 Empathy Superhero Comic Strips

We have been learning about empathy. We created a new empathy superhero to join our 'RESPECTERS' and we wrote some comic strips about how they save the day using empathy. We are going to continue looking at empathy and practise using it in our daily lives.

Sunday 9 May 2021

YR Playing Rounders

Year R enjoyed being introduced to the game of rounders. They were keen to have a go and had fun too.

Friday 7 May 2021

Year R Mr Greenheads

Year R have been very busy creating their very own 'Mr Greenheads'. They were asked to bring in some old socks from home and worked in pairs to follow the instructions (from a non-fiction book). First, they put in some grass seeds, then compost and after carefully tiying a rubber band on the end they stood them up in the old yogurt pot. The next job was to create a face using felt shapes and PVA glue. Once the face was attahced they then added some water and put the Greenhead somewhere sunny! It will be very exciting when they start to sprout some grassy hair! They'll be taking them home to look after once the hair has sprouted!

Wednesday 5 May 2021

Y5 DT - What could be Healthier

 Following on from their taste testing of sauces last week, Y5 pupils made their own alterations to a 'Basic Bolognese' recipe with the aim of making it 'Healthier'. Some choose a range to add a range of veg, some went for low fat alternatives to beef mince and others...well others threw caution to the wind and made some questionable choices! They seemed to enjoy it though!

Take a look at how they got on.

Year R Athletics

Year R have been very busy up on the field practising athletics skills! They have shown fantastic focus, determination and teamwork!

Y1 Maths

This week in maths, Y1 have been exploring multiplication and division through making equal groups. They were all given some counters and they had to find someone else who had an equal group to them. They then had to find someone who had an unequal group to them and find a way to make it equal. They all worked brilliantly, well done Year 1!

Tuesday 4 May 2021

Year 2 Maths

For the last few weeks, Year 2 have been practising their measuring skills. We have practised using rulers and metre sticks correctly, compared lengths and solved problems. We have also been practising using the vocabulary for height and length, working out which words would be the same for both and which ones would be used for only height or only length.

Florence Nightingale - A resilient woman!

In Year 2 we ahve been learning all about Florence Nightingale. We have learned about her life and what an amazing woman she was. She has changed the way hospitals are run today and the way people view woman and nurses in the profession. We have enjoyed writing facts about her and creating a timeline of her life. Next week we move onto Mary Seacole, who was another famous woman doing the same job at the same time as Florence.

Saturday 1 May 2021

Bolognese taste testing

 As part of the 'World Kitchen' unit of work this half term, Y5 will be creating their own 'healthy' Bolognese recipes to cook in the kitchen. 

The children learnt about the journey our beef mince goes through to get from 'Farm to Fork', investigated the nutritional content of different Bolognese sauces and had a go and testing some - about half the children managed to work out which was the cheap or expensive sauces on trial. 

Friday 30 April 2021

Y4 Resilience Superheroes!

We are learning all about our new RESPECT wheel and the learning powers attached to it. This week we looked at resilience. We created some resilience superheroes that we will display in class to help remind us to be resilient in all aspects of our life. Don't give up, heroes are made by choice! Keep an eye out for some of the other members of the 'RESPECTERS' our superhero family coming soon!

Thursday 29 April 2021

Our World Kitchen

 Y5's new Geography and DT unit is all about food from around the world. In this week's Geography lesson we researched a whole range of fruit and veg products from across the globe. We used Atlas's and thematic maps to find out how far our food has come!

Wednesday 28 April 2021

Year 1 Construction Challenge!

 This week in Year 1, the children have been given construction challenges to complete. They have been working in teams to complete their challenges and remembering to stay resilient! Well done Year 1!

Tuesday 27 April 2021

Year 1 Resilience

 Year 1 have been working really hard on their spellings this week. They had a spelling test on Monday and now they are practising their new spellings for next week. They are all showing great resilience and not giving up! Well done Year 1! 

Monday 26 April 2021

Year 2 Art - The Human Form Part 1

This half term Year 2 are studying the human form during their art lessons. We have looked at how our bodies can create different shapes and practised making letters with them by ourselves and with friends. Can you work out the letters we have made? We then looked at Damien Hirst and his Corncucopia collection which inspired us to design our own skulls. Keep a look out for our next human form project.

Thursday 22 April 2021

Year 3 Art and Design Skills-Cartoon Faces

 Year 3 have started their new Art topic this term and have been learning all about cartoons. We have learned that cartoons are drawn in a simplistic and minimalist style and don't have to be funny. We looked at a range of cartoon families and cartoon and comic book illustrators from Walt Disney to a contemporary illustrator Afua Richardson. Our first task was to draw cartoon faces and create our own cartoon family. Take a look at our work so far:- 

Wednesday 31 March 2021

Year 2 Geography

Year 2 had great fun this week learning how to use a compass. We learned the rhyme Never, Eat, Shredded, Wheat to remember the 4 points on the compass and then we drew our own on the playground with chalk. We made sure our drawn compasses pointed North by using a real compass first, once we had drawn them we gave our friends instructions to follow using the compass points.

Dragons in Year 2

For our DT topic this half term, Year 2 have learned how to make moving dragons. We started by looking at different levers and linkages, then had a go ourselves. We are pretty proud of the results, what do you think?

Wednesday 24 March 2021

A Busy Time in Year 3

 It has been a busy time in Year 3 since we have been back. Take a look:-

Tuesday 9 March 2021

Year 3 PSHE-Emotions Books

As part of Year 3's PSHE curriculum we are learning that mental wellbeing is a normal part of daily life just like physical health. We also understand that it is important to talk about our feelings and seek support from a trusted adult.

To help us remember this we made emotions booklets. We had fun representing different emotions using our own thumbprints. Take a look:-

Friday 12 February 2021

Year 1's Secret Mission #5

This week's 'Secret Mission' for Year 1 was to build and complete an obstacle course!

Take a look how they got on! 

Well done Year 1, another mission completed! 🏆

Monday 8 February 2021

Dress to Express

Last Week was Children's Mental Health Week and to support this Oakwood had a 'Dress to Express' Day in each year group. We can all express ourselves in the way we dress, showing everyone who we are and what we like. We accompanied that by expressing ourselves in other ways and being creative. Can you spot any of these in the photos?

Friday 5 February 2021

Year 1 Secret Mission #4

This week's 'Secret Mission' for Year 1 was to build a tower using 3D shapes.

Take a look how they got on! 

Well done Year 1, another mission completed! 🏆

Friday's Bedtime Story

This week is 'Storytelling Week' 📖.

The Year 1 Remote Team have been providing a different bedtime story every week day to help celebrate! ⭐

We hope you all enjoy our final story with Miss Purvis.

Maybe you could tell someone a story at the weekend?

Thursday 4 February 2021

Thursday's Bedtime Story

This week is 'Storytelling Week' 📖.

The Year 1 Remote Team will be providing a different bedtime story every week day to help celebrate! ⭐

We hope you all enjoy today's story with Miss Torjussen.

Wednesday 3 February 2021

Wednesday's Bedtime Story with Mrs White

 This week is 'Storytelling Week' 📖.

The Year 1 Remote Team will be providing a different bedtime story every week day to help celebrate! ⭐

We hope you all enjoy today's story with Mrs White.

Tuesday 2 February 2021

Tuesday's Bedtime Story with Miss Torjussen

This week is 'Storytelling Week' 📖.

The Year 1 Remote Team will be providing a different bedtime story every week day to help celebrate! ⭐

We hope you all enjoy today's story with Miss Torjussen

Monday 1 February 2021

Monday's Bedtime Story with Miss Purvis

This week is 'Storytelling Week' 📖.
The Year 1 Remote Team will be providing a different bedtime story every week day to help celebrate! ⭐
We hope you all enjoy today's story with Miss Purvis.


Friday 29 January 2021

Year 1 Secret Mission #3

This week's 'Secret Mission' for Year 1 was to build a den! 
They could use anything to create their bridge. 
Take a look how they got on! 
 Well done Year 1, another mission completed! 🏆

Monday 25 January 2021

Twisted Tales Recipes

Year 2 have been learning some twisted tales and learned that The Big Bad Wolf wanted to bake something as an apology for his terrible behaviour. So, our home learners have been very creative and created recipes for him to follow and have even been cooking up a storm themselves! Look at how delicious these look! Mrs McInally was even inspired by all the good work at home and baked a little something herself, can you guess which one is hers?

Friday 22 January 2021

Year 1 Secret Mission #2

This week's 'Secret Mission' for Year 1 was to build a bridge! They could use anything to create their bridge. Take a look how they got on! 

Well done Year 1, another mission completed! 🏆

Friday 15 January 2021

Year 1 Secret Mission #1

Year 1 are having a Secret Mission to complete every week!

Their first Secret Mission was to help celebrate Miss Torjussen's Birthday! 

Take a look at how they celebrated 🥳⭐