Monday, 12 November 2007

The Wild Woods!

The Year 4 Minstead people have arrived in the Wild Woods!

(Well, Acres Down, which is here...)

The sun was really low in the sky (because it's nearly winter) and it shone beautifully through the trees...

...and even though it was cold, it didn't stop us from making a stony snake, getting our birth stones, following a maze, splashing in the ford and filling our wellies, making human camouflaged cocoons with leaves, counting the points on holly leaves, following the stream under the road, passing the thenga...

...and listening to tunes through trees! (You'll have to ask someone how that worked when they get back!)

In the evening, we made decorated lanterns from jam jars...

...and we'll be using them later in the week for a night time Shakespearean performance!

Come back for more news tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

athur conan doyle, did he write sherlock holmes?

Oakwood Junior School said...

He did! Well done Emily's Mum!