Friday 4 April 2008

Mythical Magical Home Learning

In Year 3, we decided that we were a bit fed up with boring sheets for homework (and so were the children!!)

INSTEAD we thought we might get everyone interested in a special home learning project. We thought it might just be a little bit better...

We had been creating myth stories in class, so we asked all the children to make a myth bag and to find items to put in it. We wanted them to include:

  • a map of a mythical journey
  • a hero or heroine

  • a mythical creature

  • items which would assist the hero in his or her quest

The children could choose how they wanted to present their work, but they knew they had to be able to talk the story.


It wasn't just a little bit better, it was amazing!!

We held our exhibition of their projects today and everyone was very impressed. The atmosphere was buzzing! Children were excited and teachers and children throughout the school were taken aback with the quality of, not only the work, but how well the children could explain their projects.

Thank you for all your ideas and hard work. You have really set the standard.

You are Superstars Year 3!!

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