Friday, 22 October 2010

Respect at the UN Flag Raising

Members of the Respect Drumming Club represented the school at the UN Flag Raising Ceremony which took place at Southampton Civic Centre on Friday 22 October. We were joined by drummers from Tanners Brook Junior School.

The UN Flag Raising Ceremony takes place all around the world and shows commitment to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

As you can see, after the ceremony, the drummers were very privileged to explore the Mayor's Parlour and see some of the valuable treasures and artefacts which are normally kept behind closed doors.

Thank you to Kath and Matt from Southampton Music Services, who chose our school and organised this very special performance.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

CSI Oakwood

Year 6 C.S.I Forensic Crime Busters!
Last week Year 6 were lucky enough to be visited by Kate and James from Solent University, who also work in the field of forensic science. They came into school with loads of exciting scientific equipment, in order to help us learn how to gather evidence to solve crimes. We learnt how to lift and read fingerprints; make a foot cast; what measurements we would need to take from a suspect and how to test and identify different chemical powders.

We also got to visit Warsash Maritime Museum, where Kate and her team had set up a crime scene for us to investigate. We all had so much fun and learnt a lot about this field of science. We also got to use and apply a lot of the skills we are learning at school:- team work, problem solving and lots and lots of maths. We had a BRILLIANT time!

As we worked hard we managed to solve the clues and crack the crime, therefore we all graduated. Take a look at how smart we all look!

Oscar also enjoyed getting involved. Take a look a at Oscar the crimebusting bear!

House Captains

Oakwood's House Captains and Vice Captains for 2010-11 have been elected!

Here they are proudly wearing their new badges...

...and they are excited about leading their Houses this year.

Their first job was to find a way of displaying their House's attendance certificates. Every week, the House with the best attendance is awarded a certificate in assembly. Watch out on our new display to see which House is in the lead!

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Tremendous Titanic Day!

On Friday year 5 had a fantastic day as passengers on the Titanic. During this half term we have been researching survivors of the Titanic have written some super diaries in role as these passengers. On Friday we arrived dressed-up as these real passengers and recreated the departing day of the famous ship.

We began by having passport photos taken. Then we made our passports and tickets - making sure to remember which class of passenger we were.

Later on, tickets and passports were checked and we were finally able to embark on the journey of a lifetime! Once we were inside the ship of dreams, the elegant first class passengers performed a graceful waltz. After that, the third class passengers treated guests to an Irish jig (we were pleased that all third class passengers passed their health checks).

Finally, all passengers enjoyed delicious scones prepared earlier and all were confident that nothing would go wrong on Titanic's maiden voyage...

Monday, 18 October 2010


Year 2 have been practising their sewing and have created some superheroes!

Making bread in Year 1

Year 1 have been learning all about bread and even had a go at making some today! Later on they will write instructions on how they did it!

Brilliant homework from Year 2!

Year 2 had a topic all about famous people. Take a look at the famous people they found out about for their homework!

Autumn Display

We have been thinking about Autumn. Look at our lovely art work!

Oscar at the 10K!

This weekend Alice took me to the Cancer Research 10K Race on Southampton Common.

I saw lots of people connected to Oakwood Junior and Infant Schools, and thought they all did a wonderful job raising money for

And I got to wear the medal at the end...

Tuesday, 5 October 2010


We would like to welcome everyone back to school. A big hello to our new Year R children!!!