Friday 23 March 2012

A Flavour of Mexico - In Photos!

It's hard to believe that we have been living in Mexico City for 6 months now!

It is a noisy place to live - probably much like other big cities in the world. We have become used to the sound of constant construction noises, honking of horns, traffic, loud speaker announcements, whistles, bells and voices! It is very different to living in sleepy Lordswood where we could hear foxes and owls at night!

You may have seen on the news that we had a major earthquake a couple of - days ago - our second since we moved here in September. They have been strange experiences, where the ground rolls and you feel a bit like you are on a large boat in the ocean! To begin with it felt like we were dizzy and then the realisation that the earth was actually rolling registered.

We had to evacuate our home on both occasions and find a safe place to wait out on the street until the earthquake came to an end. This took a couple of minutes - which doesn't sound like long but, believe me, when everything is swaying and the vehicles are all moving around on their own, it feels like much longer! We lost power for about an hour and a half but thankfully we had no damage.

I have added a selection of photos from our first six months here to give you an idea of the different sights, both within the city centre and also on the outskirts of the city. Enjoy!

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