Monday 23 April 2012

Keeping Track of Clubs

We're looking at better ways of lettings pupils and parents know about all the clubs we offer after school.

The survey from parents' evening told us we needed to get better at this and so, as from today, we're publishing a live list of what's available so that you can always phone us - even if you miss out on letters or children don't bring them home.

The list is below, but it will always be up-to-date on the new Clubs Page.

We hope this helps!


Anonymous said...

is it just me or can anyone else access this. Its asks to install plugin, but nothings available x

Unknown said...

We've tried this on Internet Explorer and on Google Chrome. It also works on Safari on iPads and iPhones. We're sorry you can't get access. Come into reception and let us know what equipment and browser you're using and we'll try to get it sorted.