Wednesday 1 May 2013

Living Eggs!

Year 4 have had the delight in taking part in the Living Eggs project this term. They will be producing Explanation Text based on their development: From Egg to chick.

Monday 29th April

Chicks arrived. They were 19 days post lay.

Tuesday 30th April

8.30 a.m Chirping could be heard.

8.37 a.m The first egg begins pipping (breaking through the egg).

12.15 p.m Two of the eggs are wobbling and further chirping can be heard.

Wednesday 1st May

7.05 The cleaning ladies discovered 6 chicks already hatched and watched chick number 7 emerge. 3 more eggs were pipping.

10.20 - Chick number 8 hatches.

11.40- 9th egg hatches.

15.15- 11 eggs have hatched and the final 12th egg is pipping.

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