Monday, 12 May 2014

Minibeasts in Year R!

We have been learning about minibeasts! We began our topic by looking for minibeasts in the Science Walkway and carefully putting them into our ‘minibeast house’ for observation. After 2 days we released them because they are living things and need to be cared for. We have discovered that some minibeasts have wings, shells, legs and antennae. We had a go at sorting them into hoops according to our own criteria. We created our own ‘disgusting’ minibeast menu to put in our new role-play, ‘The Minibeast CafĂ©’. We also made our own masks for role-playing. We have been very luck to have some caterpillars visiting our class and have watched them grow bigger, and bigger and…….now they’re making cocoons! In 2 weeks they will emerge as butterflies! We have been retelling the story of the ‘Very Hungry Caterpillar’ using the puppets and costumes outside. In maths, we have been learning to double. We followed a very disgusting recipe for ‘Minibeast Soup’ and doubled all the ingredients so there would be enough for both classes. Yuck! Stayed tuned for more on honey bees!

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