Thursday 27 May 2021

End of Summer 1 in Elm Class

This half term has been extremely busy in Elm class. We have finished our topic 'Changes' focusing on Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole and the changes they made to nursing and hospitals. We made time lines, made comparisons and wrote a non-chronological report. Some children even took their learning outside of school and went to visit Florence's grave. In maths we learned all about measuring, position and direction and also had the chance to consolidate our learning of multiplaction, which we previously learned at home during lockdown. We completed a topic on the human form in art, which was lots of fun and produced some interesting and funny final pieces that are on display in Year 2. And finally, we even managed to squeeze in swimming lessons. Needless to say, we have had lots of fun, but are ready for our week off! We look forward to our final half term before venturing into the realms of Year 3.

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