Sunday, 29 April 2012

The Saints Go Marching Up!

To celebrate the Saints' return to the Premiership on Saturday, we are allowing children to come to school on Monday wearing a Southampton football shirt, if they have one and wish to do so.

If you have a Saints shirt*, you can wear it on Monday instead of your normal Oakwood sweatshirt or fleece!

Well done to our new Premiership Team!

(*Just a Saints shirt! Not full kit. No other teams shirts allowed!)

SAM and ODO Visit Assembly

SAM and ODO visited assembly yesterday morning and reminded us of their important messages.

SAM's message is that School Attendance Matters.

ODO's special message is that Odd Days Off can lead to bad habits which will be a problem when you're older and have a job.

Our current whole school attendance is 96.3%, which is really good news. Keep up the good work!

Monday, 23 April 2012

Year 3 Residential to Fairthorne

Year 3 had a fantastic few days at Fairthorne Manor Activity Centre. The children completed many outdoor activites including archery, abseiling, low ropes and the ariel runway. Each activity was completed with lots of team work and perseverance from their children.

For many this was their first night away from home, all children thoroughly enjoyed their Faithorne Experience!

Oakthorne's day at Woodmill

A group of Year 3 children spent a very wet day at Woodmill Activity Centre doing lots of fun team-building activities. The children completed a low ropes course and had to practise their communication and team work skills. They also had a go at archery and the climbing wall!

Keeping Track of Clubs

We're looking at better ways of lettings pupils and parents know about all the clubs we offer after school.

The survey from parents' evening told us we needed to get better at this and so, as from today, we're publishing a live list of what's available so that you can always phone us - even if you miss out on letters or children don't bring them home.

The list is below, but it will always be up-to-date on the new Clubs Page.

We hope this helps!

Friday, 20 April 2012

Oakwood helps open the Sea City Museum

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Year 3 Got hooked on rocks and soils!

Year 3 had a wonderful first day back investigating and observing many different rocks and soils. Year 3 also had the opportunity to make their own chocolate (not mud) 'Rocky Roads'. The children thoroughly enjoyed eating their treats at the end of the day and learning all about where rocks and soils come from and their purposes. Please have a look at our photos below.