Curriculum Bulletin: Year 1
- This half term we will be learning all about our ourselves, especially our five senses.
- We will learn to identify, name and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.
- As well as learning that our senses are important, we will also learn about significant people in history that have had problems with their senses such as blindness or deafness. In particular Helen Keller and Louis Braille.
- During the topic, we will investigate each of our senses through a variety of fun experiments. Take a look at the investigations we did last year.
- In our art lessons we will be using different mediums to create self portraits and pictures of what we like.
- We will be exploring how to use our bodies and voices to create and compose music.

- There will be whole class reading everyday and we will have the opportunity to respond to stories we have listened to.
- Reading in small groups will happen once a week. The title of the book we have read will be recorded in our reading log. Please make sure these logs are kept in our book bags.
- We recommend reading at least four times a week at home and recording this in our reading logs. In return we will gain a house point.
- A really useful reading resource to use at home is Oxford Owl where you can sign up for free.
- Phonics is taught everyday to teach us how to read and spell.
- During the summer term all of us in Year 1 will be screened on the phonemes in the English language. We will have to read some real words and some pseudonyms (fake words) containing the various phonemes.
- Some really useful resources for practising phonics at home are:
- Phonics Play
- Mr Thorne

- We will be practising our independent writing skills by writing for different purposes.
- Each week we will be given different cursive letters to practise to develop our handwriting skills.
- When we write we must remember our nuts and bolts.

- We will be focusing this half term on our number skills.
- Skills we will be practising include:
- Counting forwards and backwards to 20.
- Reading writing numbers to 20 in numerals and words.
- Consolidating mathematical language such as: plus, more, total, add, equals, less than, take away, smaller than, greater than.
- Ordering numbers to 20.
- Number bonds of numbers within 10.
- Some useful maths games can be found here.
Days to remember
- PE is taught every Monday and Thursday. Please make sure a PE kit is in school for these days.
- We have the opportunity to go to the library and change our books on a Tuesday.
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