Curriculum Bulletin: Year 4
- During this topic we will use our history skills to explore Roman Britain and the invasion. We will compare and contrast from then and now This will be taught through drama, role play and cross curricular activities.
- We will also be visiting Fishbourne Roman Palace and the children will take part in our Roman Hook Day.

- Reading logs are being taken in to be checked every Friday. We love to see the variety of books that you are reading. Don't forget all the different things you can read e.g. newspapers and annuals or information posters on a day out.
- At school we are trying to listen to all the children read and enjoy reading together.
- Reading little and often will really help improve the children's reading.
- We will be learning how to read a text using our skimming and scanning skills ready for note taking.

- We are writing our own Roman Soldier Handbook (non - fiction). This will include learning about adverbs (doing words), rhetorical questions and words that join sentences.
- Looking at the layout of the text and the important parts.
- Every week we will be focusing on our handwriting and working on our handwriting logs in class.

- We are learning about Roman Numerals up to 100.
- The place value of numbers up to 4 digits.
- Ordering numbers from highest to lowest etc.
- Brushing up on our mental maths skills and timestables making sure we know them inside out!
- Using and applying our number skills into investigations and problem solving.
- Keep up the logs practice (we always like to conga when a log is achieved)!
Homework and PE
- Weekly homework will be handed out on a Friday and given in on a Wednesday.
- We have PE on a Wednesday and a Friday. Please could PE kits be in everyday!
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