Curriculum Bulletin: Year 5
Iceberg Ahead!
- During this topic will learn about the maritime history of Southampton
- We will use our geography skills to explore the intended route of the Titanic and plot this on a map
- We will learn about life on board the Titanic, and what jobs were available on board
- We will find out about the different classes of passengers
- We will use a variety of historical sources in order to discover more about the Titanic; discussing whether they are primary or secondary sources and how this affects their reliability
- We look at where the events of the Titanic fit on a timeline with other significant events in history
- We will visit Southampton Boat Show to compare modern day boats to the Titanic, as well learning about importance of Southampton's present day maritime culture. Have a look at what we got up to last year here
- At the end of our topic we will celebrate our learning with a Titanic day, where we all dress up and perform our historical dance, which they would have done aboard the Titanic. Take a look at the fun we had last year and some inspiration for your outfits here

- This term we will be promoting the importance of reading for pleasure
- Developing our skills of using a text to retrieve information
- Answering questions using P.E.E. (point, evidence, explain)
- Comparing different books by the same author
- Looking at a variety of historical texts to inform our topic work

This half term we will be using the context of writing a diary in role, as a Titanic passenger to develop the following skills:
- Descriptive writing using: alliteration, personification, adjectives, similes and metaphors
- Using prepositions in a piece of writing
- Using time conjunctions
- Focusing on the planning stage of writing by exploring different ways in which we can plan
- Using paragraphs to organise our writing (using TiP ToP to help us)
- Using a dictionary and thesaurus to improve the vocabulary we use in our writing

- Revisiting place value (including decimals), and it's importance in maths
- Understanding and ordering negative numbers
- Roman numerals- both reading and writing
- Counting forward and backwards in powers of 10, from any given number- you could use this game to help practise
- Written and mental addition and subtraction methods
- The relationship between addition and subtraction (inverse operations)
Learning at home
- Reading Logs are checked on Mondays and we expect to see 4 entries a week
- Keep working hard on your logs and we will test you as much as possible in school, but please make sure your logs are in school everyday
- Weekly homework will normally be set on Thursday and due on Thursdays
- This half term's homework is a Titanic project, a great opportunity to get creative and show everything you have found out about the Titanic. This is due in on the 14/10/16 ready for the exhibition on the 19/10/16
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